Potřeba mezinárodně zavrhnout zločiny totalitních komunistických režimů (2)

Autor: BazMyslik <bazmyslik@napismi.cz>, TĂ©ma: Aktualně z Evropské Unie, Zdroj: BIS ČTK PUP, Vydáno dne: 15. 01. 2006

Jan Sammer, Secretary, Czech Coordinating Office napsal dopis zpravodaji panu Lindbladovi a uvítá širší podporu veřejnosti. Bližší informace v článku.

Napsal jsem panu Lindbladovi tento dopis a chtel bych v tomoto stanovisku co nejsirsi podporu verejnosti. (Svou podporu stanovisku pana Sammera muzete vyjadrit odeslanim e-mailu panu Lindbladovi ZDE.)

Dear Mr. Lindblad,

I read your NEED FOR INTERNATIONAL CONDEMNATION OF CRIMES OF TOTALITARIAN COMMUNIST REGIMES and your suggestion to establish museums exposing the horrors of communist violations of human rights and of inhuman crimes perpetrated by communist secret police.

That, of course, should be done but, in my mind, it only would bring a smile to the faces of those criminals and their heirs because, as they think, those crimes are now barred by the statute of limitation and they themselves are sitting comfortably in the properties they acquired through those crimes.

I am Secretary of an NGO called Czech Coordinating Office. We apply ourselves to have properties - stolen or otherwise missappropriated from the victims of communism - returned to their original rightful owners or their heirs. The communist period will not be over unless the property the communists acquired illegally or on the basis of communist laws, designed especially for the purpose of depriving victims of their properties, will be taken from them.

Unfortunately, agencies of the EU, like E Commission and European Court of Human Rights are up to this day somehow intertwined with the post-communist governments that are still heavily occupied by former communists, turned democrats. There never will be genuine democracy, rule of law and respect for human rights if the properties stolen will not be taken away from the culprits.

Make, please, property crimes, part of your effort to expose the horrible period of communism. It is a necessary and lasting component of those crimes. Our organization would gladly furnish more information on this subject and help to your effort.

Jan Sammer, Secretary,
Czech Coordinating Office

Svou podporu pro vyzvu Potřeba mezinárodního odsouzení zločinů totalitních komunistických režimů, vcetne pripadnych komentaru (snad nejlepe v anglictine), muzete vyjadrit odeslanim e-mailu panu Lindbladovi ODSUD. Zaroven upozornuji, ze uvedeny cesky preklad je pouze PRACOVNI verzi PROZATIMNIHO textu, a ze ma drobnejsi i podstatne nedostatky. Nez budeme mit lepsi preklad, doporucuji pro jistotu konzultovat i anglicky original. Odeslani majlu panu Lindbladovi neodkladejte, o prijeti vyzvy Radou Evropy se bude jednat uz za deset dni. Joska.